Friday 15 February 2013

My main goal for this assignment was to try to use minecraft to make something that would be cool to look at. We really didnt have any specific goals in mind other than to create something that other people might enjoy. Allthough, one goal was to not run into too many challenges along the way of creating this project. It took us about 2 hours in total to complete this project with its fair share of challenges and problems. some problems include when we attempted to make the big smiley face. it didnt match up very well and it took us about 6 tries to get the smiley face to match up properly. After that was sorted out, we moved over to the rainbow rails. This was more tedious than difficult. we had to make sure there would be enough room on the corners for the outside blocks. Over all, I think this project was very successful because we enjouctered very few challenges and it was quite fun to do. Also, everything turned out looking great.

Here's a little minecraft art that was made by another student and myself. check it out ;)

These structures were built with childhood in mind. we decided that we needed to represent a more vibrant and bright side of art that would look appealing and be fun to do. I feel like we were very successful in representing this fun side of art.

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